Watch Out! Toddler Coming Through!

If you have read my Welcome post you know that I have a 2-year-old son, Jackobi. Jackobi is a very sweet and loving little boy. He has a very bubbly personality, and everyone just falls so in love with him. He’s very smart and picks up on things quickly. He is well-mannered and well-behaved most of the time, but he definitely has his moments. (Sometimes his days) This being said, a few weeks ago we got our first family pet. Mittens is our kitten that is around 10 or 11 weeks old. When she does something that she is not supposed to, we spray her with a squirt bottle rather than “spanking” her. Jackobi picked up on this really fast, so anytime he sees Mittens doing something he knows she isn’t allowed to he tells on her. “Kitty, no. No, Kitty!” (Kitty is what he calls her) He then proceeds to try to reach the squirt bottle or tried to get it from my husband and I. Ok, good. He knows that we use it on the kitten. No big deal. Wrong…..

This morning my husband and I were in the back part of our house getting a few things done for Christmas before he had to leave for work. Jackobi was watching a movie when we went back there, so the lack of noise didn’t bother us as we figured he was watching his movie still. After about 10 minutes my husband went out into the living room, and he was not happy. When I came into the living room I saw why. Jackobi had gotten a hold of the squirt bottle and emptied it. Yes, emptied it. The floor and couch were soaked. There were water droplets all over the windows and all over Arianna’s (our 2 month old) swing. Then we noticed water droplets on the Infrared heater. Upon further inspection, we realized not only was there water on our IR heater but also inside of it. We got everything cleaned up, and now we have our fingers crossed that our heater will still work once we try using it again. (Keeping it off to let the water dry)

This is how my morning started.

This is what happens when you trust the silence of a 2-year-old.